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An article can be published only after it successfully completes all the necessary steps mentioned below.


IJSSIS accepts the manuscripts through

1. Step: 

You need to enter TÜBİTAK's (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) official hosting system for academic journals Dergi Park and sign up to upload your manuscript. 

Please read them carefully to avoid losing your time.

Manuscripts, which does not completely follow the guidelines will be returned.


2. Step: 

All manuscripts will be double-blind peer-reviewed and authors will receive a comprehensive report on their paper. The authors are can work on their manuscript after the review they received and they are expected to resubmit their work within a month.


3. Step

After the resubmission, the resubmitted manuscripts can be accepted, rejected, or returned to the author for resubmission.

If the paper is returned, the authors will receive another review and expected to resubmit a revised version just like at the previous stage. The rejected papers will not receive any further comments on the papers and can be resubmitted elsewhere.


4. Step

After acceptance, proofs can be sent to the authors to be corrected. In principle, the authors are expected to correct the mistakes and send them back to the journal in a week. Only minor corrections regarding the format and typographical errors are allowed to be made at this stage. In case of any substantial revisions made to the papers at this stage, the editorial board may consider sending out the paper for peer review.

5. Step

The layout editor of the journal will correspond with the author(s) to facilitate the timely publication of papers without any problems. Authors are responsible for eliminating the problems and shortcomings encountered by the layout editor during typesetting. The authors will be informed by e-mail regarding the publication.



It may take a couple of months for an article to take all the steps before lining up for publication.

If you are in need of publishing your material until a specific deadline, please look for other opportunities. We cannot guarantee a certain deadline for the evaluation process to be completed, let alone the article to be accepted (even if you have presented it in DAKAM Conference). 


We charge publication fees as a contribution from the authors, whereas an article will ONLY be published if it fits the scientific standards determined by the referees and editors. We cannot guarantee the publication of an article in advance no matter what the circumstances are.

The publication charge is to be paid before the evaluation, not after the acceptance according to the rules for academic journals by YÖK (The Council of Higher Education of Turkey). In case of rejection, you will be reimbursed. 

The publication charge cost is 150 Euro and expected to be paid before the publication.

Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkiye

DAKAM bir BİLSAS/ Bilim Sanat Spor Yapım kuruluşudur.
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