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All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal should conform to the regulations outlined in the Author Guidelines. Submissions in contrary to the guidelines will be returned to the author(s).

Submissions are only accepted through TÜBİTAK's DergiPark system:


Manuscripts should be comprised of the following sections:

They can be submitted in different parts, 1) Identification Page, 2) Title Page and Main Text, 3) Visual Materials as separate files.

Papers exceeding 8000 words are not accepted. When calculating the word count, all sections of a paper should be taken into account. The author(s) should write down the total number of words in their papers after the keywords.











2.8. CAPTIONS OF VISUAL MATERIALS (Tables, Figures, etc.)



“Identification and resume page” has to be prepared as a separate MS Word file, and should provide the following information regarding the author(s): full name(s), affiliation(s), current location(s) (city and country) and resume(s).

Items numbered in the above list have to be prepared and submitted as a single, separate MS Word file.

Any information that would uncover name(s) of the author(s) has to be avoided in the Main Text file.

Each visual material has to be prepared and submitted as a single, separate file through the online system in either “tiff” or “jpeg” formats. Files including the visual materials should be numbered as per their order in the paper.


The resume(s) of the author(s) must be prepared in English and should not exceed 50 words. Resumes have to be prepared for each author, in case the paper is written by more than one person. Email(s) of the author(s) should be specified at the end of resume(s).

Authors’ resumes along with other identification information have to be submitted as a separate MS Word file, as explained earlier.


Paper Title, Abstract, Key Words and Word Count

Papers should have short and precise titles, reflecting the topic and the content.

An abstract is required for manuscripts. Depending on the nature of the manuscript, the abstract should be between 300-800 words. The abstract should explain the aims and major conclusions of the paper and, if possible, should not include any citations.

In addition, the designation of five keywords is essential. Please ensure that keywords are informative of the manuscript’s topic and content.

Following the keywords, total number of words in the manuscript (inclusive of all sections) should be mentioned.

Main Text of the Manuscript

- The entire manuscript should be prepared double spaced with a font size of 10 pt. on A4 size page in MS Word. No space should be left after or before paragraphs and only one line space before subheadings, but not afterwards.

- If the text is subdivided into sections, these subdivisions should be differentiated by numbers placed on the left as shown:

1. (single-numbered): PART (bold and UPPERCASE)

1.1 (double-numbered): Division (bold and Title Case)

1.1.1 (triple-numbered): Subdivision (regular and Title Case)

No further subdivisions should be used.

- Please do not use italics in section titles and text to emphasize terms or concepts, unless they are foreign words.

- Tables produced in MS Word could be inserted into the text wherever necessary. However, tables produced with other software and applications have to be submitted as single, separate files in one of the following formats: “pdf”, “jpeg” or “tiff”. Table captions could be placed in appropriate parts of the text where tables will be inserted. Table captions should be numbered as follows: Table 1., 2., 3., etc.

- Use double quotation marks and italics for all quotes, but do not use extra indent. Use single quotation marks only for quotes inside quotes. Quotes up to two sentences are integrated in the text. Quotes longer than two sentences have to be set apart in a separate paragraph with the same formatting



For referencing and bibliography instructions use Harvard System (parenthetical referencing, using brackets while referring to a source). Citations will be enclosed within parentheses and embedded in the text, either within or after a sentence, in lieu of footnote citations, i.e. no footnotes or endnotes will be used. Citations will be accompanied by a full, alphabetized list of citations in an end section



Endnotes should be used only if necessary. Authors should try to keep the number of endnotes at minimum. Editors may ask the authors to reduce the number of endnotes as part of revisions.

Endnotes must definitely not be written under or beside the page of text with which they are associated. They must be numbered in such consecutive order as 1.,2.,3.,etc., and listed at the end. References used in endnotes should follow the same format of presentation as in the text.



All references including books, articles, lectures, online documents, etc. are to be given in the bibliography in alphabetical order using Harvard Referencing System. If the author is not indicated, the name of the affiliated organization should be given.


Captions of Visual Material

Please provide a list of captions of visual materials (pictures, maps, plans, graphics, etc.) after the bibliography in the main text. In preparation of this list, all visual materials should be numbered as per their order in the manuscript, such as Figure 1.,2.,3., etc. Numbers of visual materials used in the manuscript must be mentioned in the text where they are associated in either of the following formats, depending on the nature of the relevant sentence: Figure 1 or (Figure 1). As for figures that appear more than once in the manuscript, the figure number should be given based on the first appearance and used constantly.


Symbols and Abbreviations

All special symbols and abbreviations, which are used in the formulae must be compiled in a list and appended to the manuscript following the “Captions of Visual Materials”. Abbreviations such as ibid., op.cit., loc.cit., should not be used.

Symbol of “&” should not be used in the manuscript, unless it is part of corporate names or publisher names.

Instead of BC (Before Christ) and AC (After Christ), please pay attention to use BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era).

Numbers at the beginning of a sentence should be written out. For instance, please write “Twentieth Century” rather than “20th Century” or “XX. Century”, if you start the sentence with these words.


As the manuscripts, originality is also expected in visual materials used in manuscripts. Authors are requested to submit originals of such documents as drawings, diagrams, tables, sketches, photographs, maps, etc.

Publication of visual documents less than 10 years old in technical subjects, and less than 50 years old in the area of the fine arts requires written authorization from the holder(s) of copyright.

Visual materials like pictures, photographs, maps, drawings and charts should be submitted if possible as"tiff" or “jpeg” and as separate files. The names of the files including visual materials should be numbered in accordance to the arrangement within the text (Figure 1., Figure 2., Figure 3, etc.). The width of the images should be at least 10 cm with a resolution of 300 dpi, in other words at least 1200 pixels.

Images cannot be submitted within MS Word files. If there are charts or drawings formed using the drawing tools on MS Word, these are expected to be converted to separate “pdf” files.

If more than one visual material has to be arranged to form a single figure or table, the pictures do not have to be sent separately. In such cases the visual material can be arranged as necessary and sent as a single “tiff” or “jpeg” image. If this is the case, the author should make sure that the image fits a maximum area of 18x24 cm and is legible. Resolution criteria should also be kept in mind when arranging such visual documents.

Authors are expected to keep the number of visual materials moderate and efficient. Editors may if necessary demand from the authors to reduce the number of visual materials used in manuscripts.

Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkiye

DAKAM bir BİLSAS/ Bilim Sanat Spor Yapım kuruluşudur.
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